
I'd rather be yo N-I-G-G-A

how goes it folks out there in internet land?
that was rhetorical question because I honestly couldn't give two fucks...

I will know by Thursday if I got the job at Jimmy John's I hope so cause this being broke shit ain't fun anymore.

I've been twisting my hair taking it down, re-twisting it again, and taking it down...
indecisive much!? yep

Berris said "you're an absurdity to the stereotypical humans...doomed 2 alter the perceptions of stereotypical life." it kinda creeped me out because I've always felt this way but to know someone else thinks the same is kinda wicked.

I miss not being able to hang with India all day, doing absolutely at all but it was with her so I was happy.

I seriously want to try some salvia , it seems like a trippy experience I should do before I die.

I wish I was around to witness Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix,or Ray Charles perform live...
they were all geniuses musical wise.

uhh I think I'm gunna end this one for now.


daphne bee. said...

Aye .
Get that job & feed me .
Thx .

& no salvia .

Loo. said...

Thank you Kieona.
gimme food, and no Salvia, plz.

ashxcore said...

Salvia, eh? I didn't know.
Mos def!