
this is the victory lap, and I'm leaving you can't get me back!

what's up bitches!?

again that's rhetorical...

I haven't blogged in a while so lets update you folks.

I apparently didn't get the job at Jimmy John's...or at least that haven't called yet.
so back to square one.
I really want some flaming hot Cheetos man.

-So what's up Dino?
Not much, just waiting for my big break...
-Big Break?
Yes, my big break it's comin' I will be famous, I will be legendary.
-How do you plan on becoming famous.
Not Famous...Legendary, I am not sure just yet...because I want to do soo much and have so many interest and so many talents...
-Talents such as?
I have a pretty wicked imagination, I'm currently writing up a screen play and a series of short story, also I am a pretty good (self-proclaimed) artist, and poet/lyricist. I also want to do radio and maybe a couple of tv shows and maybe a movie some day I think I'm a pretty good actor.
-Oh, I see.
yea, I can do so much....oh I almost forgot I want to get into tattooing also. Ever since I were younger they have also intrigued me. so yea I want to get into that also.
-So basically you have a whole variety of talent?
Yea, I can do a lot.
-I see you have a new campaign "Kill Your Idols", whats that all about.
uh...It's hard to explain but basically how I look at life. You know in order to be the best you have to beat the best...so yea Kill Your Idols is the new motto and the name of my soon to come production company so look out for that baby!

this has been an interview by Kill Your Idols productions



ashxcore said...

You would never interview yourself. Crazy ass. lol
So much talent! Teartear.

Dino. said...

I know right, I am insane according to the law.
but who cares what they say!
Kill Your Idols!

ess.jay said...

I love you in all your "insanity". For I do not think you are insane my dear. I hope that every talent you have is used for something someday. I know you will be amazing.

I think you already are. :]

Anonymous said...

Love Love