
I'm a mess but you're worse

Don't forget how well I really know you.

You know what I love about life? The part were you realize that everything is out of your control
and you finally let "life" run its course of inevitable destruction .
I am not saying speed up this process by no means do I want the blood of any suicidal teens on my hands. I am just saying let shit go, life's problems eventually fix themselves. "No pain last forever"
I don't know who said it, but it's some true shit.

"if seconds heal all wounds,
I'll put these tips on you
When faith is left to prove
It's all you'll have to lose"

-Brenden Urie of Panic at the Disco
from the song "One of Those Nights" by the The Cab

1 comment:

ess.jay said...

Very wise words my dear. :)