I am...
sometimes I want to go back, back to the beginning where I started.
personal shit coming on so strap on your seat belt.
I started in 7th grade, I know you're trying to figure out what I'm talking about but I'll get to that...
every since the 7th grade i realized I was'nt "normal" or ever going to be that way for that matter.
I lost my mother at the age of seven and had no type of comfort because I was sent straight to live with my father. he hated me and this is not no oh I think my dad hates me type shit it was stated and stated often....
so yea no comfort for a fucking child who just lost their only guardian.
so from then I went to live in numerous foster homes ending up in one where the whole fucking set up was all fucked
the people who ran the place could'nt care less about the children that they were suppose to be taking "care" of....
so from there I lived with my uncle I'm about 9 by this time by the way...
and everything is wonderful until he loses his job and we have to go back to eating noodles and hotdogs damn near every night.
so I stayed with him for a long time he got married and had a child and it was a nice pretty family until I started to realize I was never going to see my mother or my favorite cousin (who was murdered the summer before 7th grade) again...
my grades started to slip and I begin to care less about anything besides death.
I wanted to be DEAD.
I slipped into what they call depression I guess.. I begun to try to kill myslef by the time 8th grade rolled around drinking massive amounts of cleaning cough syrup just so I could sleep my days away.
I was admitted into several diff mental hospital at the end of the 8th grade and the beginning of 9th grade....
and then I started doing helly drugs including mushrooms,coke,vicodin,and codeine,
I was never sober through 9th grade and most of tenth grade..
around the end of tenth grade me and my uncle begin to fall out so i was forced to move with my sisters on the east side and switch schools...
I was in the HOOD!
seriously out of place seeing how i went to school with a majority white populated school.
I didn't fit in at all so I begin to create this persana that helped me "fit" in with all the thugs it worked but I hated it
then I got a job at the Rink and I finally felt free again after playing hockey off and on my whole life skating just felt right I gained helly confindence and I was a new person
that worked well I met a bunch of great people due to working down there
so on that note I'm ending it here cause I'm kinda tied of typin this shit...
much a do about nothing.
I am your new President my name is Brandon J. Brown but widely known as Dino.
I have a beautiful wife by the Name of India D. Smith-Brown.
fuck is you talking about?
Fall Out Boy's new album Folie a Deux is dropping Nov. 4th
so be ready! (why that's pink I has not a clue.)
so yea India's back and I have never wanted to just hold someone and never let them go before today....
man I love her, I made her a promise today that even if we don't "work out" she'd always have a special place in my heart and if ever she needed ANYTHING I'd be there as long as I'm living.
mayne I fucking love her more then life right now. =)
Loula Belle and Binky Bear!
favorite song right now
is (drum roll!)
"You're everything" by Bun B feat Rick Ross, David Banner, and 8ball and MJG
shit is beautiful actually his whole album II trill is pretty fucking great.
I'm kinda want another tattoo (well a couple)
I want this weird heart thing made from the 2 music Cleiffs with "thanks for the memories, because music has brought through a lot of shit and I have a file of sorts of every memory with some kinda music or song with it...
(I'm not sure if i spelled that right)
I want "I Told You So..." either on my right forearm or below my navel
then....I want a monkey and a shark in tribal type thinger like it's my Yin and Yang, my Gemini sides my good vs. evil
I have no idea where i wanna get the first and last one but as soon as I figure it out I'll have them
I can't wait until Christmas I don't know why but I just can't wait....
I'm probably going to be working at the rink again this year so everyone better come visit me!
i also hate the word blog it makes it sound like the fourth form of your body getting rid of waste (vomiting, urination, defecation, and then there is blogging)
it just sounds so nasty to me!
My deepest fears
My true "deepest" is that I will be the sole reason that the world collapses, like dead serious me and a few of my beautiful friends were speaking on this last night.
I have always known that I was "different" different from most of my surroundings,and different from my family and friends...
I have never thought like most and I think my thought process is ridiculously "abnormal", Like I admirer trouble or evil shit as in the Mafia, Lucky Luciano, Hitler, Napolean, Atliha the Hun....carzy fuckers like that, like I know if I were in a movie about super heroes and villians I'd be a fucking vilian. It's scary to think like that...
I'm also hell bent on changing the world for the better (atleast in my opinion) which may be a bad thing because I'll throw the "order" of our world in to loop and bring upon chaos.
nah fuck that I want you to hate my guts...
I'm still gunna smile.
I went to the doctor Monday morning and they said I was dehydrated and to drink lots and lots of water. :|
Apparently I owe the bank $32.14 I honestly don't know how though.
I have to take my G.E.D test later then I expected seeing how the only money I had to my name was in the bank which was about 50 bucks and now it's gone.
now my awesome ass friends are trying to start a pool to raise money for me....I love them, but I don't want them to do it, because I feel like I need to straighten this out on my own I'm a big boy now.
good news I found a ticket to the T-pain and Rick Ross concert but I only found one like What the Cock Sucking Hell Fuck kinda shit is that? I'm thinking about selling it, I don't know yet man.
anywho I'm still writing my story I came up with a name for it but it's still a iffy thing
After End: volume 1 (The story of the End)
After End: volume 2 (The lost War)
After End: volume 3 (a new beginning)
is how it's going to go
I got about 20 pages done so far so I think I'm doing pretty damn good
thanx for listening :putnam:
haha but yes I've been writing more of the story and decided to write a "short" story like type thingie
So here's the quick run down
Sury is a fish like human being he has webbed feet and hands and is able to breathe under water he used to live near the sea but he and his family are forced out of his home by a war with the Chroknights ( the Chaosfolks) and go into hiding for a long time while the Chroknights plot to take over the world by destroying all life that isn't of there kind or the "Angels" who created them...which means killing all the demons and the Plantites( the plant people created by the "Demons" and the Rest of the Sharkons (the water people also created by the "Demons")
anyway the story takes place after God's murder by the hands of the Royale Bloodline of Angels.
so yea there you go for now...
I fill you in more once i get more goin on with it...:)
story you should read...
who needs punctuation lol
no one
when u got sumthin real to say it just gets in the way
but who'd publish me?
I've been thinkin up a story line for a book for about 3 weeks
ooo really
it's kinda weird though
I mean I've been thinkin of a few story lines for books and short stories and such
are they intriguing
I don't know
one's kinda like a star wars meets the real world meets harry potter meets the end of the world
haha sounds good
xcept i dnt like star wars but if u did it right it'd work
I mean it's not with the whole Alliens thing
it's more so set out after the "world" ends
and it's a whole new breed of people
well actually it's 5 different kinds of "humans"
these water type humans that have webbed hands and webbed feet and are able to breathe under water
then theres these plant like ones but they look normal they just are really close to the plant life and whatnot
then there are the choas people they only know violence and war and shit like that
they think they are serpior to all others
then it's regular humans
and then the angels/demons
they are like angels but they also have two dif sides and they are often at odds with each other
like the "good" angels (which are actually evil as hell) hate the "bad" demons which don't bother anyone or thing they just are really ugly
that sounds sexy
yeah like i actually would read that
the main charc. is a water type person
who was forced from his family by the crazy Chaos fucks and now is a "fugitive" of sorts
he meets up with this group of regular folks(which there isn't much of btw and they also believe they are the only people to exist after the world ended)
so they are intrigued by him and his fish like actions and shit...
so he (Sury workin name) tells them about the war and shit going on between the Chaos folks and everyone else...
and after that I havn't gotten far.
i actually like it tho
I mean i can go from there right now.
if you'd like me to continue?
ok soooo...
after he tells them about the war thats going on the reg humans (which I shall call hums)
the hums go even deeper into hiding
now at this time the angels who was the cause of the worlds ending
they thought "god" had begun to have to much power and a group of them started creating there own "people" (the chaos folks) to kill god
the demons (which were angels at first disagree'd and the angels decided to beat them and destroy their beauty)
gah this is hard..
help me out!
where do you see it goin form there?
well personally i think that's great, number 1
and number 2, if u actually started writing it with like dialogue and shit
it'd probably keep going on its own
I think i should
but the plant people haven't came in yet!
yea I know
I kinda forgot why they were there
I may just scract them out...
to show the calmness and docility that could be life?
they will be the peace keepers
after the angels created the Chaos people they went to "war with god. and as god's last action he destroyed the world as we know wiht
but at the time he was so weak he couldn't completely destroy it as he wanted to
leaving behind some hums some angels and some "demons"
the plant people and the water people were an attempt by the Demons to replenish the earth and shit
they figured if they can make water and plantpeople that would help with the growth of the planet
the Chaos General named Devin (hehe) decided it was time to destroy the earth people
as they had did with most of the water people and shit...
so they move in on the Earth people and they all band together to make this whole forest of illusion type thing that throw the Devin and the Choas folks off before they enter the Earth land kindom type thinger
lol y u tryna kill me n thangs
I ain't
this is one story that won't kill the main evil guy type thinger
back to Sury he's still in hiding with the hums and shit...
they eventually find there way to an ocean and find some of the last water people so they all band together and shit...
and keep it moving they keep hiding and dodging the Choas people and whatnot until they come to the plant kingdom
of course the earth people believe that they are Chaos people and begin to attack them
with these crazy ass plant growths and and poison vines
with no actually way to defend themselves they start crying their cries (the cries of the water people are so melodic they put the earth people to sleep)
now they start to tie the earth people up and shit like that becasue they both think they are the Chaos folks
lol ur brain is the shit i want it
yea this is so off the top of it...
they eventually wake up and start to talk to the water people and the hums and they convince them its all a big misunderstanding and they are let go
so this union of the hums the water people and the earth people go on for a while
on the other side of the earth Devin and the Chaos people are getting ready to finish the union off once and for all...
so they invade the earthly union
but the earth people and the Water people had begun to make and create these hybrid type fuckers who are totally badass and can control ever aspact of earth and matter...
wait scratch that...
they created these hybrid type fuckers
who can control both earth and water
so they are at war with the Chaos and they are losing badly
keep thinkin n tell me 2mro b4 i pass out on my comp and die
the Demons are in a limbo as they don't have as much power as the "angels" do
i <3 you and u should so C&P all tht so u dnt 4get
and the last man shall die in darkness
I am a complex person, very complex.
my mind races faster than the speed of light and I can go from one thought to the next within a split of a second...and it usually has nothing to do with my original thought.
I sometimes wonder if I'm just all fucked in the head, or are these thoughts profound.
what was put here for why this time,why this era, why this region...why?
answers may never be known.
but I seriously believe I was "put" here to fuck up conventional living and thoughts of society as a whole. I don't know how I'm going to do it besides be myself which is a fucking asshole if you ask me (although most disagree and say I'm a nice person)
I mean I only do what feels right to me never expecting anything back so when you see me do something for others I'm not doing it to accomplish any status in society i.e gentleman nice fellow yada fucking yada yada ya!
I mean I don't understand why it's so hard to be kind to our fellow man without expecting any thing in return... I fucking hate life for reasons as such because it seems like almost everyone is after money money money not caring who they put down,step on, throat slash any of that it seems like they just don't give a fuck and it's sad.
I hope we as people realize that we're destroying our civilization and our home (earth) with our greed and thirst for money and power.
I think I'm done ranting for now
I'd run away with the moon

I was arrested by the city cops, they are envious of me and Luna's relationship
you see I love Luna and she loves me, but the laws of the universe won't let us be.
She's suppose to love him but he's to flashy...
He's always trying to shine even on the cloudy days he tries
Luna loves calming the sick seas
Luna loves long walks
deserves better you see
I love Luna
and Luna loves me....
thanx to Across the Bridge productions for the photographs
I'd trade it all for nothing
(still in a limbo about it)
...but I want to. It's nothing here for me the people I count on are just crunches, not saying that's a bad thing I just depend on them way more then I should.
I need to get MY life together for MYself.
I've set out my goals and now I'm about to go for them.
No better time like the present. (at least that's what I've been told)
Sure I'm going in kind of blind by that's by choice all this time people have been telling me and showing me how to lead a better life, it was just my stubbornest that I did'nt listen...eh
but come to think of it no one knows life, and I think going head on and blind is the best way to go with no expectations you can't get disappointed just life lessons and joy.
So yea I'm going to go get me a job somehow save me up some cash, maybe buy me a vehicle, start school and then get on that one way trip air plane to California, San Diego to be exact. (they say it never rains there)
but yea I mean that's what I got planed (you and I both know nothing ever goes according to plane) but that's what I'm going off.
I love my life and the people in it, I love what may come I love what has gone and I love myself.
-p.s I hate when people tell me to stop sucking my thumb, almost as much as you hate when I don't do something you tell me [coughs] India [coughs] I'm not a fucking puppy please stop treating me as such =)
see what you made me? are you proud?
two lies and one truth-
I am Jesus.
I hate the fact you love me.
I snort cok---
what the fuck am I doing?
living I think or am I...
who knows you ever just sat up and wondered if anything is what you think it is?
like are we really even here,or are we just a dream of a flea on the back of a dog who wonders the city streets of Susie, TN.
I wonder this all the time.
and it makes me wonder even more if time is what you think it is.
time is only a measurement of change
and space is only a measurement of matter (or lack of)
anywho... who said this is what made the fabrics of the Universe
who decided to measure this shit...
wondering where I'm going with this one...? yea I don't even know yet
so back to time and space who decided that what we go by in our daily lives is right
who came up with these standards?
(starting to figure out what this blog is about)
Standards in general have the world fucked in the ass.
the formula for a successful person in the U.S is as follows
-put child into a "good" pre-school
-send child to the best elementary school money can buy.
-^same with middle/jr. high level^
-work the child like a fucking math slave so that it can get that high score on that standardized test.
-Send child to the best Highschool in the state
-then send child of to be a lawyer or a doctor or a engineer at the best College in the country
now don't get me wrong some people are just meant to be great Dr.'s,Lawyers and Engineers
some(most) are brainwashed that you must make a certain amount of money to be happy
when in all actually mone can never buy happiness or love.
and that's whats messed up with the world is its "standard". most of which only cause chaos within the world.
I wish I could take the GREED out of every person on the world I am willing to bet any amount of money that the worlds "problems" would stop almost instantly.
my fucking wrist is killing me...
Bernie Mac died today from complications of pneumonia
that fucking blows...
speaking of shit that blows
Rasmus Weber is going back to Germany
(I wish I could have hung with him more)
but eh....
I'm sitting at India's and I'm kinda annoyed
"why are you annoyed Dino?"
-I don't know I'm just annoyed kinda wanna punch something
The Olympics started yesterday
It's pretty cool
I remember 4 years ago I watched the Olympics
and I vowed to make it to the 2008 Olympics
that obviously didn't work out...
I didn't finish High School
"why didn't you finish HS Dino?"
-Because I'm a fuck up....
"why do you think that?"
-Because even thing I do I fuck up....
but I'm working on that I registered to
take my GED so I should be taking it
in about 2 weeks or so...
and I'm moving soon hopefully to
these apts. near West Grand Beulavard
I gotta go fill out the rental application
so yea I hope me and Ni-Ni get approved (Ni-Nit= My oldest sister Nita)
I'm trying to get my life on the right track
well let me restate that the track I wanna be on
I should be in College by Jan.
I'm excited because I'll have something to do with my spare time and plus I'll
be working toward my life goal which is to become a radio personal
well I know I'm going to make it because I have a great girlfriend, a great "Mama",
my great ass sisters, My great ass family (and by family I mean friends)
so yea I'm out here about to do big kid things wish me luck!
haha fuck that hate my guts cause I know
I'm going to make it
but yea I may have a job soon! (if Ray can work her magic)
I'm going to register to vote soon!
I'm going to register for my GED in 2 weeks
I'll be in school in Jan. :)
I may go see pineapple express if this faggle Twink will hurry up!
I'm drawing up ATB's tattoo as I type this :putnam:
I can not wait until 2mrw (wink wink)
things are looking up for me...
I'm excited about life for once...
I run De-Twaa!
but no this blog entry is dedicated to all my friends
1.India D. Smith-Brown My future nuff said!
2 .My brothers (David,Delano,Jordan, and Kyle)
these fuckers will have my back no matter what...
3. Laura my sister!
she is an ignorant black man! but I love her none the less...
I could say something profound about her but I'm ain't
she is my bestfriend we can and will talk about pretty much anything
5. them POC hoes
Khloe,Key,and Kenz!
Fuck ya'll! sike nah but I love the three of you
ya'll are like the lil sisters (and brother) I never had and never wanted
but I love the fact that you faggles decided to walk into my life
6. Keeler and Conz
Oh fuck nuff said...
7. Taqee!
you a re an Asshole but you've earned the right to be that way!
you are the shit don't change for any one...(as if you would even consider that haha)
8. My Dino Jr's
Valor-you are a weirdo!
Christian-you are a weirdo
Berris-you're just plan ole gay!
9.Chanel and Ahmad
Maddie I hate your fly ass.
Chanel I love your fly ass.
10. everyone else I love you all...
11. alll the weak fucks who decide to read this eat your fucking heart out
I run De-Twa
I run you!
oh what a tangled wed we weave
Top off when the city's windy me and pretty Cindy
She dressed up in pretty Fendi and she sippin remy
I'm Iceburg nuttin but whenny all the way to my tinny
I'm hotter than a semi' cause this girl she
and plus my head is spinnin from drinkin this fifth of Henney.
I stop at any deli cause this freakin with her penny
and aint no tellin how many she umm already been in.
We get inside the room and she gigglin plain grinnin
Slowly the lights dimmin and I'm slippin on my jimmy
I'm feelin with her titties this is only the beginnin
I stick it in her kitty now she screamin come on gimme
I'm flippin this chick over and I caught her slowly bendin
I'm hittin got her twistin this is my ninny you hear me
And when its time to quit I got her soakin wet and drippin
She asked me for a kiss...
Biznite is you trippin'!?
So I'm listening to old Cash Money albums
damn I miss the late 90's early 2000's
I so want a ferret
^totally just pulled that one out of my ass^
I think I'm done here